PDF takeoff software designed to use electronic PDF drawings on screen, producing an Excel takeoff saving time and the cost of printing.


Welcome to QuickCount

PDF Take Off Software for Mechanical Electrical Ductwork Insulation


QuickCount has been developed with pipe, duct, electrical, underground engineering and construction. Giving the engineer a tool for PDF take offs that quickly and accurately scales and counts items into Excel takeoff sheets split by service, location and PDF drawing as required. Following the take off these quantities are immediately ready to produce an estimate.

Using QuickCount with electronic PDF drawings the takeoff, printing cost and time taken is saved. The on screen feature offered by QuickCount removes the need for drawing board size desks for the take off and huge storage areas for current job drawings.

QuickCount also saves the expensive engineering time spent scaling, marking, recording and summarising onto a takeoff sheet and probably makes the job more enjoyable. Quick, simple and accurate saving time and money is what QuickCount software is all about our PDF Takeoff software does just that


QuickCount gives you the tools to count and measure almost anything on a PDF. These quantities are then fed into your custom takeoff sheet ready for you to produce and estimate.


QuickCount also saves the expensive engineering time spent scaling, marking, recording and summarising onto a takeoff sheet and probably makes the job more enjoyable.


Automatically produce Excel take off summaries analysed as required as the drawing is completed.

Count symbols, scale and measure, takeoff's quickly and simply.

No longer rely on the use of scale rules, highlighters or paper takeoff sheets.

Save all the time spent printing tender drawings for takeoff's.